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Détails de la publication

Inoculation of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi based bio-fertilizers for improvement of maize productivity in Central Benin

  • Langue : Anglais
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Détails de la publication

  • Type:Article
  • Domaine: Production végétale - Génétique
  • Année de publication: 2020
  • Auteurs: ASSOGBA A. Sylvestre, AHOYO ADJOVI R. Nestor, BELLO Saliou, NOUMAVO A. Pâcome, SINA Haziz, AGBODJATO A. Nadège, KODA Abdel D., AGUEGUE M. Ricardos, ADJANOHOUN Adolphe and BABA-MOUSSA Lamine
  • Cultures: maize
  • Couverture géographique: Centre Bénin
  • Mots clés: Bio-fertilizers, mycorrhizal; composite; maize; sustainable agriculture; Benin.

Résumé de la publication

The response of maize to a composite inoculation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in fields in Central Benin was evaluated. The 2000 SYNEE maize variety underwent 3 AMF groups involved in treatments namely: T1 = "Control (AMF and fertilizer free)"; T2 = "Glomeraceae"; T3 = Acau "Acaulosporacea"; T4 = Diversi " Diversisporaceae"; T5 = "50% NPK + Urea"; T6 = "Glomeraceae + 50% NPK + Urea"; T7 = "Acaulosporaceae + 50% NPK + Urea"; T8 = "Diversisporaceae + 50% NPK + Urea"; T9 = "100% NPK + Urea". The 2 factors were combined in a split-split plot design with a complete randomized block layout including 3 repetitions. The main and subplot factors were respectively the AMF type and use of fertilizers. The growth parameters (height, noose diameter and leaf area), grain yield and endomycorrhizal infection of plants were evaluated. T6 had induced the highest height, fresh above, underground biomass and grain yield of maize passing respectively from 42.38, 25.58, 58.33 and 27.18%, values recorded by the control plants. Moreover, T7 held the highest values of noose diameter and T8 those of mycorrhization intensities. However, T2 and T4 generated the highest values of mycorrhization frequencies and spore number. These results highlighted the advantages of endogenous AMF for sustainable agriculture in Benin.

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